Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unchained Melody

Watching a flick about slavery one should usually feel uncomfortable.....So I went into the theater to see Django Unchained, making sure that I would NOT feel awkward about the subject matter, use of language or even the much anticipated notorious Tarantino gore.

 I have to say once I got past that, I was able to enjoy the movie. I will admit that I felt a little guilty about grinning from ear to ear. As if Jamie Foxx's actions were getting even w/the slave owners of my own family....SMH 

 So many people would give negative comments about the movie because it was created by a non-person of color. But I say...OH SO's entertainment....And not for nothing, if Quentin Tarantino rewrote our (black) history, chances, our ancestors may have had a different outcome.

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